
Check & Control

Continuos 24/7 year-round control of all water-usage; All Waterflow is immediatly detected and documented as well as locally and worldwide visible...

Water-Meter data from 2014 till 2018

1. Flow-Periods cumulated per Hour
2. Flow-Periods cumulated per day
3. Flow-Periods cumulated per month
4. Flow Periods in detail

Analyze & Pinpoint

Exact analyzis of where goes your water in House and garden...

Pinpoint you heavy water-user...

Even detect mini water-leaks down to 2 gallon in 24 hours...

1 Water usage per hour per day
2 Water usage per day of week
3 Water usage per Month last 2 years
4 Water usage per Device group
5 Unusual Water flow periods

Save Water & Money

Optimize your water-usage in house and garden...

Detect and eliminate unnecessary water-use...

Check your water-bill...